Command-line interface

Command-line interface#

$ tdc --help
Usage: tdc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Transport Data Commons tools.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  adb     Asian Development Bank (ADB) provider.
  check   Check that FILE can be read as SDMX-CSV.
  config  Manipulate configuration.
  edit    Edit SDMX interactively.
  estat   Eurostat (ESTAT) provider.
  iamc    Demonstrate IAMC structure generation.
  iso     International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provider.
  itdp    Institute for Transport and Development Policy (ITDP).
  jrc     EU Joint Research Center (JRC) provider.
  oica    OICA provider.
  org     TDCI itself.
  proto   TDC prototype debugging.
  store   Manipulate local SDMX (meta)data.

Code reference#

Command-line interface.



Edit SDMX interactively.

Module data


List of (sub)modules that define CLI (sub)commands.

transport_data.cli.MODULES_WITH_CLI = ['adb.cli', 'config', 'cli.interactive', 'estat', 'iamc.cli', 'iso.cli', 'itdp.cli', 'jrc.cli', 'oica.cli', 'org.cli', 'proto.cli', 'store'][source]#

List of (sub)modules that define CLI (sub)commands. Each should contain a @click.command() named “main”.