
class transport_data.util.ckan.Client(address: str)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper around ckanapi.RemoteCKAN.

This provides features such as:

  • Iterating over calls with rate limits.

  • Caching results, including combined results from multiple calls.

  • Converting return values to instances of ModelProxy subclasses.


__init__(address: str) None



group_list([limit, max])

license_list([limit, max])

list_action(kind[, limit, max])

Call the {kind}_list API endpoint.

member_roles_list([limit, max])

organization_list([limit, max])

organization_show(obj_or_id, *[, _cls])

package_list(*[, kind, limit, max])

package_show(obj_or_id, *[, _cls])

show_action(obj_or_id, _cls)

Call the {kind}_show API endpoint.

tag_list(*[, kind, limit, max])

tag_show(obj_or_id, *[, _cls])

list_action(kind: str, limit: int | None = None, max: int | None = None) list

Call the {kind}_list API endpoint.

  • kind – String identifying the kind of CKAN object to fetch.

  • limit – Number of results to fetch in a single query.

  • max – Maximum number of results to fetch.

show_action(obj_or_id: str | dict | T, _cls: type[T]) T

Call the {kind}_show API endpoint.

If obj_or_id is an instance of ModelProxy, its name or id is used for the query, and the same instance is updated with the response data and returned. If obj_or_id is str or dict a new instance of a ModelProxy subclass is returned.

The return value is cached.